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Welcome to Thorne's Guitar! I'm a teacher, musician, critical pedagog, student of social justice, and dad. I made this site to share what I know and learn and as a supplement to my teaching. As I create new scores for my students they'll show up on the "Free Stuff" page as well as all the links to other sites with sheet music and other resources.
My Process
I work hard to help people discover what their own musical goals are. Then I design a program to help them reach those goals, using the music, art, and science they love.
I use a student-centered and experiential approach so they can many times find the answers themselves, answers that are not soon forgotten.
I Challenge students in ways that help them deepen their creativity and grow their critical thinking skills.
Many music teachers have a standard prescription for every student, a one-size-fits-all approach. I create a unique program for every student because we each have our own unique set of challenges and goals.
Learning music, on the surface, seems to some a frivolous luxury. However, the things I guide my students to discover are tools they will carry with them that will continue to enrich all parts of their lives.
Read about me here. Read about my teaching philosophy here.